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UK Met office Image from University of St. Andrews UK Government May Sell Off Met Office, Nature Reserves John Vidal, Severin Carrell and Juliette Jowit, Some of the most beautiful areas of Britain could be sold off and wildlife and countryside protection measures cut to the bone to meet expected 40% cuts in the budget of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, it emerged. Among the plans being considered by the government, which once declared itself “the greenest ever”, are selling off national nature reserves; privatising parts of the Forestry Commission; privatising the Met Office, one of the world’s leading research organisations on climate change; and withdrawing grants to British Waterways, which manages 2,200 miles of canals and rivers. Natural England, the government’s principal nature conservation agency, has put forward 400 job cuts next year, and up to another 400 after that, potentially one third of its workforce. There are also concerns that the Environment Agency, which looks after waterways, air and soil, will have to slash spending on pollution and waste controls and river protection after the environment secretary, Caroline Spelman, recently said she had made it “perfectly clear” that the government would maintain the level of spending on flood defences – which take up more than half the agency’s budget.
The UK has a £155 billion deficit to try to fill and a national debt heading towards £1.4 trillion. So of course what we find are civil servants putting up all the most unpalatable cuts in an attempt to keep their own jobs. The incoming coalition are allegedly ‘green’ so the civil servants will wallow in offering these sorts of cuts. I hope there are minimal cuts to the support for waterways and canals – it is a great resource; but the debt needs to be reduced. Its hard to how the Met Office can justify its bloated existence beyond giving local short term forecasts. But of course the global warming scare justifies its claims on mega mega computers and a lush expense account.
As well of loads of largess and influence to disburse. BTW – despite the word ‘cuts’ actual spending will continue to increase. Wow Nature England has 2400 employees for their nature preserve forests – how many trees per person is that?
I’m not sure the Canadian Gov’t has many more, anyone know(?). Anyway, their is definitely a catastrophic climate change in the global warming fellowship if the growing number of deep-six news stories on the subject is any indication (UK, Germany, the Spanish green bust, NZ lawsuit, etc). The craziness is still out their though when you see global warming protesters in Australia out there in their parkas. — It’s an ugly damn’ building, as only a tax-sucking bureaucrat with an empire-building fixation could have ordained.
But where is it located? Proposals for turning the Met Office’s present nest into a museum would come to naught if it’s not a place suitable for drop-in traffic. Any other amusements in the vicinity? How close is it to public transportation and highway access? It looks as if there’s plenty of floor space available to put in a food court and a games arcade, and that would help to generate additional revenue (so important for museums nowadays). Would an Imax theater be a cost-efficient modification? Let’s put some thought into this, folks.
Tempting though it might be to call in a demolitions team and simply blow the place up (while thoughtfully salting the ground after burning off the rubble), this pile has been inflicted upon the public at considerable expense, and it behooves conscientious consideration of what utility might be made of it after it passes out of the hands of the soon-to-be-extinct Met Office. In the early 1980s when the Met Office headquarters was at Bracknell in Berkshire there were rumours that the forecasting part of its work could be closed in favour of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). That centre is based at Shinfield Park near Reading.

The two sites were only about 10 miles apart. Must have seemed like an opportunity to cut costs. Moving the Met Office HQ to Exeter was not popular with everyone especially academics with Oxford and Reading universities convenient for Bracknell and London readily accessible by road and train. The Royal Meteorological Society is also based in Reading.
Perhaps by moving to a corner of Devon the Met Office thought they wouldn’t be noticed – out of sight out of mind? And you get this (which has cost the aviation industry billions) The British met office has Europe’s biggest computer. It is housed in a 1 acre climate controlled hall. It is a new (IBM) and requires 1.2 megabytes to run it. It takes 8 weeks to boot up. Can perform 1,000 billion calculations a second. Has 15 million megabytes of memory.
Cost 30 million pounds, and it predicted the volcanic ash clouds that shut down the European sky’s, Perhaps the billions of pounds in law suits have something to do with this? “Cuts” in Whitehall speding budgets always result in additional government spending – a 10% cut in Defence always spells a 20% increase in Welfare budgets. Likewise on everything else Cuts?Only means more trace waste as the Civil Servants re-arrange the deck chairs on the sinking ship. Cut the subsidies to EAU/CRU, Greenpeace, Fiends of the Earth, slash the civil service on the grounds of gross incompetence and yes, sell off the Met Office.
After all, they’ve sold everything else to Dubai, France or the Chinese. Bishop Hill had a post about DEFRA a couple of months ago. I had a look at their large budget for Unversities. Looking at the data I downloaded from there this was the situation last financial year (possibly the year before). Perhaps they should cut this first, as cynic I can’t think it goes on anything useful.
£22.5m down the drain as we say, certainly £1.1m to UAE can’t be doing any good. @Trev “The UK has a £155 billion deficit to try to fill and a national debt heading towards £1.4 trillion.” “It’s worse than we thought.” – actual UK liabilities run to almost £5 trillion: I personally think it’s more likely to go higher than £5 trillion because the Kirkcaldy Clown’s creative book-keeping meant that other thing such as PFI (with wonderful innovations such as £11 billion of new hospital buildings actually costing the taxpayer £56 billion) and nuclear decommissioning were also not on the balance sheets. The Met Office’s Cray vector processor went a few years ago and was replaced by a NEC machine.

I used to work in the building that was formerly Cray’s offices in Bracknell. When Old Man Cray died in that car crash in 1996, the company went the way of so many firms run by autocrats and was ruined by the Men in Suits. I find this business of their IBM taking 8 weeks to boot up a bit unlikely. They must be using a Dell as the console.
Anyway a lot of these “cuts” are part of Dave Cameron’s “Bonfire of the Quangoes” ( a Quango is a sort of outsourced government department Quasi-Autonomous Non Government Organisation ) and is probably a load of hype. The Waterways Agency was so heavily cut by the last govt. That there is probably too little left to make savings. Amazing, isn’t it, how being broke and nearly bankrupt can focus your attention on the real priorities in life?.Like flood control.
And energy for heat next winter. Yet another sign of the ebbing tide of the faith based Man Made Climate Change hypothesis. Please, Oh Please! Let this clarity also infect the US government reps, agencies, and pols! Thank You, Anthony, for making this market place of information, ideas, and debate possible!
Thank You to every Contributor and the Moderators that keep the commentary civil and on topic! Keep ‘Spreading The News’! Knight says: August 16, 2010 at 1:17 pm “At least the UK is trying to pay their bills. Vastly better than the crew claiming to be running the US Government.” Very true, Steven, and did you notice that the US deficit for last year($1.7 trillion) was more than the entire British national debt, if Trev’s statistics are accurate, and I have no reason to doubt them. All I can say is, “we’re screwed”! For those that have not seen the scary reality of the US debt this is work a look – – but don’t leave it running on your laptop any longer than you need to – it’s processor intensive and likely to overheat.
The main point of the Met Office is to give reasonably accurate weather forecasts for the next 7-10 days. The weather in the UK is complex so the supercomputer will still be required. Beyond that – who will pay money for their climate change ‘research’? As a private company – if this ‘research’ is shown to be false, made up, or done in an amateur fashion eg.
Statistical methods they could be held liable and sued. That should concentrate minds on whether to do anything more than short term forecasts! I would expect a much slimmer Met Office to be the result of this. Perhaps all climate science should be outsourced to private companies – it should cut down on the propaganda, weed out the amateurs, and concentrate resources on real science. Henry chance says: August 16, 2010 at 12:32 pm Sell it on e-bay. Hallliburton could buy it and hire the people.
Send them to work in the oilfields of Iraq where it hits 125 degrees. Put them to work in Afghanistan.
They could talk to the drug gangs and Taliban in southeastern provinces (or would that be forbidden by the UN because it would be cruel and inhumane?) and in the central and northern provinces to help develop the estimated $1 trillion in mineral wealth. Either way the local tribes (and the rest of us) could use them for comic relief as they put their scientific expertise to work and show the corrupt government officials what real sleaze is. When I wrote to them asking who had authorised the spend, and use of the Met Office’s resources to produce the petition in support of the – I have to say it – charlatans – at the UEA after toing and froing they wrote to me and told me that they were run on a profit and loss basis, presumably inferring that they didn’t need their owners, i.e. The taxpayers, permission to spend money not associated with their raison d’etre.
In short they have a P&L (pigs might fly, but hey if it they think there’s a market for CAGW forecasting then let’s sell it) and are ready to be privatised, with maybe a short rump continuing the weather forecasting that originally made them world famous for good reasons being held in the MoD. The Met Office also had a Control Data Corporation (CDC) Cyber 205 in the early 1980s. I think the Met Office had problems getting it to communicate with the Cray at ECMWF and there were other problems with the 205. Their best piece of kit was the IBM 360/195 delivered in the early 1970s.
Slimmer Werken Met Office 2008 For Mac Updates
Gene Amdahl worked on the IBM 360 architecture. Denis Healey was at the Defence Ministry then. In those days there seemed to be a bottomless pit of cash for high technology for departments in the Ministry of Defence – the Met Office being one beneficiary. Later they added a 370/158 that did much of the batch work. Firstly, a friendly reminder t0 our cousins in the Virginian Colonies, (Oh how we were so foolish to let those go, & those in Bordeaux!!!!) “The Met” is short for the Metropolitan Police Force in London, UK! The Met Office is the weather (allegedly?) forecaster!

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Secondly, I suspect this could be just a red herring. The story a few months ago was that the BBC was “seriously” considering reviewing its contract with the Met Office for the provision of weather forecasting services, again allegedly! Good story to fool the skeptics for a few moments, a quick bit of “slight of hand” & the contract was renewed! Situation normal, same people, same faces, same story, all green! Don’t be taken in just yet, I am not holding my breath. Having said that, if it was put up for sale (& who in the lord’s name would want to buy such a lame duck?) it really would signal a sea change in thinking on AGW/CC! Who has £235M/year & wants a £30M puter?
One can clearly see the lame mentality of the Met Office’ PR machine, the arrogance with which they see the general ignorance of the populace, in that they can be fooled by claims of great accuracy from a super computer & their computer models means that the trillion calculations per second or whatever equals being right! It’s rather akin to penis envy of someone saying “hey, my new Porche 911 can do 0-60 in 3 seconds & a maximum speed of 150mph”, the same nut is still behind the wheel! No, I think this is one for the greens this time & we’re looking at a no-show! BTW, talking of shows, new line up on the BBC magazine show “the One Show” was good, they even had an environmental slot about Sea-Otters in Scotland, & didn’t mention Climate Change or Global Warming once, I think, I was doing the cooking at the time.
Interestingly greenie/leftie Grauniad writer Lucie Siegle still turns up but she hasn’t done a AGW/CC bit for quite a while, did my three complaints really work? The WWF is the best organization to take over the Met. They already have two ex-employees in senior positions! Robert Napier, Chairman of the Board of the Meteorological Office, was formerly at the World Wildlife Fund, which financed and procured many of the IPCC’s dodgy non-peer-reviewed “research papers”. He was also Director of The Climate Group until 2007.
Find his recent CV here Why should we be seeing this nexus of WWF, Meteorological Office, BBC and government pension funds and The Climate Group? John Hirst, appointed as Chief Executive of the Meteorological Office in 2008, was ALSO head of the WWF before changing to “meteorology”.
Rapper Young Buck was a fresh face when he became a member of 50 Cent's G-Unit, but he had been around long before then. The Nashville, Tennessee, native started rapping at 12 and was in a recording studio by 14.
Cash Money's main man, Brian 'Baby' Williams, caught a 16-year-old Young Buck (born David Darnell Brown) at a rap battle and soon the rapper was out of high school and in New Orleans, crowded into a small apartment with the rest of the Cash Money crew. Buck 'secured' the expensive cars for Juvenile's 1999 'Ha' video and continued working behind the scenes. It was soon time to get his own shot at stardom, so Buck left Cash Money and headed home. Buck partnered with rapper D-Tay and the duo released the Thuggin' Til the End album on Next Level in 2000.
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The album didn't make much of an impact, but Cash Money asked Buck to return to the label. He did, but after two weeks of just sitting around the office, Buck felt he was stuck once again. He ran into Juvenile, who was ready to split with Cash Money at the time, and hit the road with the rapper. When the tour hit New York City, Buck met 50 Cent and was soon asked to join G-Unit. He did - with Juvenile's blessing - and co-wrote and appeared on the 50 Cent track 'Bloodhound.' G-Unit's full-length debut, Beg for Mercy, brought Buck to everyone's attention in 2003.
It had gone double platinum by the time Buck's first G-Unit/Interscope album, Straight Outta Cashville, debuted at number three on the Billboard 200 in 2004. Three years later, long after that album had been certified platinum as well, Buck returned with the hard-hitting Buck the World, another number three hit. Buck and G-Unit subsequently feuded, but the rapper returned in 2010, after some delays, with The Rehab, issued through his Ca$hville label. Additional projects, including the Savion Saddam collaboration Salute to the Streetz and numerous mixtapes, preceded Buck's return to G-Unit, after which he continued to record at a prolific pace with the several-volume 10 series and Bust N Grams, all of which were issued during the latter half of the 2010s.
David Jeffries.