Twitter Updates Tweetdeck For Mac
Is the most powerful Twitter tool for tracking real-time conversations. Its flexibility and customizable layout let you keep up with what’s happening on Twitter, across multiple topics and accounts, in real time. To continue to offer a great product that addresses your unique needs, we’re going to focus our development efforts on our modern, web-based versions of TweetDeck.
TweetDeck 3 for Mac is now out with: * New layout * Followers column * Tweet translation * New search filters Update via the App Store. 3:20 AM - 14 Jun 2013. Download TweetDeck by Twitter for macOS 10.6 or later and enjoy it on your Mac. Ability to see more than 200 items in the Scheduled Tweet column.
To that end, we are discontinuing support for our older apps: TweetDeck AIR, TweetDeck for Android and TweetDeck for iPhone. They will be removed from their respective app stores in early May and will stop functioning shortly thereafter. We’ll also discontinue support for our Facebook integration. Over the past 18 months, we’ve been focused on building a fast and feature-rich, and a, which offers some unique features like notifications. We’ve recently introduced many enhancements to these apps –– a, tools like and to help you find what you’re looking for more quickly, and so you immediately see the most recent Tweets. Our weekly web releases have been possible because we’ve nearly doubled the size of the TweetDeck team over the past six months (and we’re ).
In many ways, doubling down on the TweetDeck web experience and discontinuing our app support is a reflection of where our TweetDeck power-users are going. Over the past few years, we’ve seen a steady trend towards people using TweetDeck on their computers and Twitter on their mobile devices. This trend coincides with an increased investment in Twitter for iPhone and Twitter for Android –– adding,. That said, we know this applies to most of our users –– not all of them.
And for those of you who are inconvenienced by this shift, our sincere apologies. Additionally, TweetDeck AIR, TweetDeck for Android and TweetDeck for iPhone rely on v1.0 of Twitter’s API, which we are retiring. Leading up to that retirement, Twitter’s platform team will be performing occasional tests that will affect applications that rely on API v1.0. Over the next two months users of TweetDeck AIR, TweetDeck for Android and TweetDeck for iPhone may experience some outages with those apps before they are removed from their respective app stores in early May. We think these web and Chrome apps provide the best TweetDeck experience yet, and that they are the apps in which you’ll want to see us add new capabilities first, followed closely by our and apps.
From the whole TweetDeck team, we’re excited about what the future holds. We hope you are too.

The official Twitter app for Mac is. Twitter no longer offers the app for download, and it will no longer be supported in March. So, what’s a Twitter user on a Mac to do? Here are your best options going forward.
Twitter Tweetdeck Alternative
Tweetbot ($9.99) Tweetbot is probably the best Twitter app out there to begin with, so if you were using the service’s official app, consider Twitter pulling support a sign that you should be making the jump to Tweetbot anyway. It has a clean interface (with no algorithmic timeline or sponsored tweets), outstanding mute and filtering options, and support for all the good Twitter features like 280 characters, threaded tweets, direct messages, inline images, GIFs, videos, and lists.
There are a couple weak spots: search isn’t great, and some features that Twitter refuses to build APIs for, like polls, don’t show up at all. Twitterrific (currently on sale for $7.99) If you don’t like Tweetbot, your next best option is, which recently rose from the grave following a. Honestly, it’s basically the same as Tweetbot featurewise, although the UI is a little rougher around the edges than the more slick interface of its competitor. But if you’re looking for something that emulates (or rather, improves on) the original Twitter for Mac experience, Twitterrific is a good option, too. TweetDeck Going back to officially owned Twitter products, TweetDeck is sticking around for the time being. Like the Twitter for Mac app (which started out as a third-party app called Tweetie that was actually really good before Twitter slowly killed it off through a combination of neglect and mismanagement), TweetDeck started off as its own independent app before Twitter bought it in 2011.
Its unique column-based interface is still popular, especially among users who like following different lists of accounts. It’s more designed for power users than the casual consumer, but at least Twitter isn’t killing it (for now). The app has languished somewhat under Twitter’s care: it hasn’t been updated since July 2015 (for “enhancements and small bug fixes”). But if you really like the UI or just prefer an “official” Twitter product, it’s not a bad option.
What Is Tweetdeck

Unlike Tweetbot or Twitterrific, it’s also free. Site-specific browser This isn’t quite an app, but it can feel a little bit like one. You can use an app like Fluid to create a site-specific web browser so that Twitter’s website will have an icon in your dock and a dedicated window outside of Chrome, Safari, or whatever browser you’re using. The web Lastly, you can give up on apps entirely and just head to the web. Facebook has successfully existed on the desktop with only web users (it’s kind of fascinating that there are no third-party Facebook apps), and Twitter is obviously hoping to drive its own users toward the more easily updated and ad-driven website as well. Twitter on the web is available at.